To add more excitement to the summer, we enjoyed a trip to The BBC Earth Experience, where Members experienced the diversity of the seven continents, narrated by David Attenborough. They were enthralled by the wonders of the natural world and loved their majestic audio-visual journey through iconic landscapes, encountering mesmerising animals and a fascinating light show.
Back at home, friends and family were invited to a summer BBQ in the beautiful sensory garden at Loveday Abbey Road, hosted by our master chefs. Everyone enjoyed delicious burgers and hot dogs, and laughter filled the air as the community came together to enjoy the beautiful garden in the sunshine.
The community spirit soared as Members came together for the Community Carnival Celebration, a collaborative effort by Age UK Kensington & Chelsea, Venture Community Centre, Westway Trust, and Carnival Village Trust. This vibrant event brought locals together to revel in the richness of multiculturalism and the heritage of carnival arts. It was a day filled with colourful costumes, rhythmic beats and joyous laughter as people of all backgrounds celebrated unity and diversity.