We are delighted to announce that Head of Member Lifestyle and Activities Robert Speker won The Care Home Activity Organiser Award at the Great British Care Awards 2022 National Finals at the ICC in Birmingham.
Robert was recognised for his outstanding delivery of activities including his work during the Covid-19 pandemic and his famous Care Home Album Covers, which received international acclaim.
The judges commented:
“Robert demonstrated a refreshing ‘positive-risk taking’ approach, breaking down stereotypes with residents to ensure they always lived their lives to the fullest, by clearly going above and beyond in every aspect of the service he provides to residents. His ethos was let’s make this happen, overcoming any barriers put in his way. He firmly believes you make your own luck, but he also made his residents feel very lucky indeed. Robert was driven by a belief that you could never know enough about a resident in order to support them to live a better life – true personalisation.”
The award was presented by broadcaster and journalist Kate Garraway MBE. The compere Steve Walls is also pictured.
Many congratulations Robert for this outstanding achievement, we are so proud of you and thrilled to have you as part of our Loveday family!