Meet the Loveday Team: Dorothy Cash

60 Seconds with Dorothy Cash, Loveday Abbey Road Activities Lead

Name: Dorothy Cash

Position: Activities Lead

How long have you worked at Loveday: 7 years


Where do you live:
Hackney Wick

Hobbies & interests:
Art, cold water swimming, making playlists and attending live music events.

Favourite part of London:
Portobello road Notting Hill.

Favourite restaurant (in London):
Hackney Bridge

Favourite holiday destination:
Costa Rica

Favourite movie:
“Into the West (1992)” – an old Irish film about travellers and their horses.

Career highlight?
I suppose the best is yet to come!

Favourite meal to enjoy with Members?
I love the afternoon teas.

Favourite part of the job?
Spending quality time with Members doing activities that really matter to them.

Favourite activity to do with Members?
Art and music activities.

Favourite part of the day?
The beginning of the day!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Knowing that what I do as everyone else in the team makes an enormous difference to Members wellbeing and enjoyment for the day!

What does good care mean to you?
To really get to know and understand a Member so we can provide person-centred care that really makes a difference to their wellbeing and empower them to achieve individual goals and maintain independence.

Tagged: Loveday, Loveday Kensington

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Loveday is passionate about making a difference to both the people we care for and the people we work with.